Because of you and your team’s leadership, diligence, and knowledge, we were able to recoup the entire cost of replacing all the electrical in an old store that had many issues as well as get a great price for what we lost from being closed for a month.

-McDonald’s Restaurant


The fire completely damaged the electrical system for the entire store. In addition, some of the building’s contents were damaged from fire and smoke exposure. After the disaster, the building was not operational and could not serve customers.


  • The restaurant was housed in an old building that had existing structural and maintenance issues that would impact the repair, a great deal of which was a result of having to comply with updated building codes. Coverage for the upgrades was questioned by the insurance company adjusters.
  • The owner had to find ways to salvage remodeling costs that were already invested and work to reduce the projected income that would be lost if the store was not restored and made operational in a timely manner. At the same time, he had to focus on filing a claim.
  • Building damage had to be documented in detail and the business interruption, contents and extra expense claims had to be calculated accurately to document the true damage to the insurance company adjusters.
  • The claim had to be settled with an optimum outcome as soon as possible so that the business could rebuild and resume operations.

Soluciones Aplicadas

  • Our public adjusters from Goodman-Gable-Gould/Adjusters International worked quickly and thoroughly as the restaurant owner’s claim advocate. We brought a team of adjusters, building estimators, content specialists, and forensic accountants on site right away to stay ahead of the claim and make sure the insurance company representatives were keeping pace.
  • We reviewed the owner’s commercial property insurance policy and highlighted options in the coverage to help the business in the overall recovery process.
  • Our team documented the building and inventory damage in detail and calculated the accurate business interruption loss.
  • We presented an itemized claim package to the insurance company and aggressively negotiated the settlement.


Our public adjusters sped up the claim recovery process and secured a full settlement. We also secured coverage, that was originally denied for code upgrades, which the business was able to use to fund the rebuild, continue its service, and avoid long-term losses.