All Testimonials

Months after the storm passed, the County was still faced with tremendous burdens related to the insurance coverage issues and FEMA and MEMA eligibility issues. Jackson County hired Adjusters International to provide professional services for disaster assistance, remediation, restoration and recovery efforts. ...Their expertise with governmental regulations, the complex FEMA process and insurance adjustments resulted in our successful claim for over $2 million in additional FEMA Public Assistance funding specifically; in our successful negotiations with our insurance carrier; and in numerous other increases in the values FEMA and MEMA initially designated for County projects. Jackson County will always be mindful of the help we received from Adjusters International when we needed it most.

Alan K. Sudduth
County Administrator
Board of Supervisors, Jackson County, Mississippi

As soon as we engaged your company, you were able to cut through the bureaucracy and reach the key decision makers. You kept us informed of each twist and turn of your investigation. Within months of your engagement, we had our check in hand. We felt comforted and confident that our situation was given the prompt attention that was needed. I would recommend your services to any in this situation.

Anthony & Barbara Black

Certainly the tragedy of the World Trade Center explosion will remain etched in our memories forever. We can, however, take pride in the united response of hundreds of people which enabled the complex to be reopened in record time and reconstructed on an expedited schedule. At the same time, as you well know, we were involved in a long, sometimes agonizing process of pursuing settlement activities with insurers. Without your help, and the help of many others the settlement wouldn't have been concluded as successfully as it was. On behalf of The Port Authority of New York & New Jersey, I would like to thank you for the expert advice you provided to me and my staff in our effort to bring the World Trade Center explosion insurance claim to closure. Your expertise and insight in this long and arduous negotiation were invaluable.

Bruce D. Bohlen
The Port Authority of NY & NJ, New York, NY

The persistence of the AI team as our advocate allowed us to work through the maze of paperwork required by the carrier and to expedite resolution of our claim. AI personnel were always available to meet with my staff, whether it was during business hours, late at night, or at any time during any weekend. On every occasion that the insurance company brought in an additional "expert" to minimize our claim and drag the claim process out, you countered with an AI professional who was more than able to level the playing field for us.

Bruce Thompson
Professional Hospitality Resources, Inc., Virginia Beach, VA

As the dust settled and it became clear that there was no one on our side, we began to think that maybe we could use some help. ...It became evident from referrals and your intensity and conviction that you were clearly the best choice for us. We never looked back. We cannot thank you enough for the wonderful job that you did. You were there for us every step of the way. You fought for us unwaveringly on difficult matters. You got us more than double what we probably would have gotten had we not hired you. You were worth every penny we paid you. We would never consider handling a claim of this size without you.

Calvin S. Oki
Building Manager
Interstate Building, Honolulu, HI

We had initially thought we would be able to assess the damage and work with FEMA and our insurance carrier's adjusters by ourselves. It quickly became evident that we were going to need help. We realized we did not have the personnel, time or expertise it was going to take to deal with complex governmental regulations and equally complex insurance and adjusting issues, especially when it was taking all the resources we had just to get essential county services up and running again. ...AI really came to the rescue. You delivered what you promised, and that counts for everything down here in South East Texas.

Cary Erickson, SPHR
Director of Human Resources and Risk Management
Jefferson County, Texas

As a result of your work, our claim went from (the insurance carrier's) initial assessment of $2,749,525 to an agreed-upon amount of $8,232,321. Your professionalism with our carrier was appreciated and your ability to work with the limited information the school district was able to provide you was amazing. We would like to continue to use Adjusters International in the event that we have another large loss, although I hope that doesn't happen.

Cheryl Johnson
Director of Risk Management
Dallas Public Schools, Dallas, TX

Based upon the recommendation by the hotel's legal counsel, Adjusters International was retained as "insurance adjusters" representing the hotel's interest. Adjusters International immediately took control of the situation, first, by meeting with the hotel consultant group and coordinating their repair plans and establishing a protocol for dealing with the insurer. Second, establishing guidelines for the insurer, their consultants and adjusters ...The primary benefit was that the hotel consultant team and general contractors were allowed to focus on the earthquake repairs instead of dealing with the insurance adjusters. Adjusters International performed their duties in a highly professional manner exhibiting extraordinary knowledge in insurance claims processing, representing and fighting for the best interests of the policyholder...

Clyde Takayama
Director of Engineering
Mauna Kea Resort, Kohala Coast, HI
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