As many businesses prepare for winter storms, they are hoping to escape relatively unscathed from property damage, such as snow-related collapses and pipe bursts.

Upon further inspection, however, an insured may notice evidence of water damage resulting from melting ice and/or snow or an indication that the property may have moved or partially collapsed. While many insurance professionals often suggest property insurance policies only cover water damage when the building or structure first sustains damage by a covered cause of loss to its roof or walls, through which the rain, snow, sleet, ice, sand or dust enters, this is NOT always accurate.

Often, depending upon the language in the policy, if the loss or damage is caused by or results from thawing of snow, sleet or ice on the building or structure, the damage is then a covered loss, in many situations.

The adjusting teams at Goodman-Gable-Gould/Adjusters International have the necessary expertise to navigate all aspects of damage claims and insurance policies. We are familiar with the intricacies of policy language and how such language applies to the specifics of a property damage incident, and are dedicated to securing equitable and expeditious recovery for our clients, the damaged policyholder.

If you have water damage due to melting ice or snow, or have experienced any other property damage, please contact Barry Flax at 800-858-3900, ext. 1114 or