Chatham County property owners rely on us to make sure their insurance policy works for them after property damage and business interruption losses. We secure fair and equitable settlements.

Property owners in this coastal Georgia city may experience the following disasters.

Commercial Fire Damage

Commercial Property Fires

Strip malls, apartment complexes, office buildings, and other commercial properties can suffer complete or partial fire damage and subsequent business interruption losses.

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Tornado Approaching a Residence

Tornadoes and Windstorms

Tornadoes and strong winds in Georgia can raze buildings, lift and damage rooftops, and hurl debris through your structure.

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Hail on the Ground


Large hailstones may puncture commercial roof systems or make small cracks that the insurance company’s adjuster may not notice. We use geothermal imaging technology when necessary to thoroughly inspect the damage.

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Why should property owners in Savannah hire a public adjuster?

An insurance company’s adjuster will assess your damage to protect its employer’s interests. Meanwhile, a public adjuster can be by your side assessing and documenting the damage accurately and in your best interests. We prepare the claim and negotiate aggressively with the insurance company.

Why use a licensed public adjuster from Goodman-Gable-Gould/Adjusters International?

We have handled thousands of claims in a variety of industries – manufacturing, hospitality, film and entertainment, and more – securing millions of dollars in settlements. Our track record makes us the preferred choice of Savannah property owners and businesses in need of claim assistance.

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