DPittman 7smaller

Daniel Pittman, MBA

Senior Adjuster

Professional Profile

Daniel Pittman, Senior Adjuster, is a native of Tennessee who started his career in the insurance industry in 2009. Daniel graduated from Tennessee Technological University with a B.S in Business Administration. After graduating, Daniel worked as an insurance broker and real estate developer before pursuing his M.B.A. from Middle Tennessee State University.

After graduate school, Daniel joined Travelers Insurance as a catastrophe adjuster where he spent more than 200 days a year in a hotel adjusting claims throughout the United States. While at Travelers, Daniel advanced quickly and demonstrated expertise with homeowner’s claims, commercial claims, builders risk claims, and agricultural claims.

In 2015, Daniel joined McLarens as an Independent Adjuster and opened the Nashville Office for McLarens. Daniel’s proactive and technical approach to adjusting led to him being nominated as the account adjuster on accounts such as the State of Alabama, LNR Partners, LLC., Herschend Family Entertainment, CBL Properties and Associates, Starwood Property Trust, American Heritage Railways, and Progressive Roofing to name a few. 

While at McLarens, Daniel routinely handled seven and eight figure losses across an assortment of different industries. Daniel was promoted to Executive General Adjuster in 2017. As an EGA, Daniel worked predominantly on quota share programs which provided him with exposure to the claim handling process at more than 50 domestic and international insurance companies. In 2018, Daniel was a guest speaker at Lloyds of London.

Daniel has recently joined Goodman-Gable-Gould/Adjuster International as part of the Nashville and Atlanta Offices. Daniel has vast experience working as an insurance company adjuster and as an independent adjuster on behalf of the insurance company. This experience provides Daniel with extensive insight into how the claims process is approached by the insurance company and those they hire to protect them.

As a representative of the policyholder, Daniel’s cumulative knowledge and understanding of the insurance companies claim handling process allows him to forecast and avert obstacles often intended to complicate and delay the claim process. Daniel’s expertise allows him to level the playing field for the policyholder and ensure the insurance company adheres to their contractual obligation.

Public Adjusting Licenses

  • Georgia Public Adjuster License #3025894
  • North Carolina Public Adjuster License #9929147
  • Ohio Public Adjuster License #1635121
  • South Carolina Public Adjuster License #9929147
  • Tennessee Public Adjuster License #986656
  • Texas Public Adjuster License #3290094