The details and deadlines for filing a property damage insurance claim can become overwhelming and result in a lesser settlement if you choose to handle it alone. Our public adjusters handle the claim for you to save time and ensure a fair and full settlement.

Edison and Middlesex County property owners may experience the following disasters.

Tornado Approaching a Residence


Windstorms can knock down tree branches, which may pull down high voltage tension wires and cause power outages, among other damage.

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Flooded Residential Neighborhood


In 2021, Tropical Storm Ida brought heavy rains and flash flooding that overtook roads and entered properties, causing significant damage.

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Commercial Fire Damage

Commercial Property Fires

Among other causes, a natural gas pipeline could explode and destroy apartment complexes and other types of commercial property.

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Hail on the Ground


Check the Edison hail map and stats for the frequency and size of hailstorms in the Raritan Valley region.

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Why should property owners in Edison hire a public adjuster?

The insurance company will have its own experts protecting its financial exposure to your claim. A public adjuster protects your interests, prepares and presents a detailed claim, and secures a fair and equitable settlement.

Why use a licensed public adjuster from Goodman-Gable-Gould/Adjusters International?

We have helped thousands secure millions in settlements, and have become the leading public adjusting firm in New Jersey and the New York Metropolitan Area for property damage, builder’s risk, and business interruption claims.

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